четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

board fr gears language war

I am seriously thinking about dropping World Lit now, but I am still torn on the decision. On one hand it is a good class, but on the other I have not had time to research anything for the paper in there and I have so much other stuff I have to get done before I can even start to consider it. But then if I choose to drop it I am going to have probably go through alot of crap just to get it done. URGH

I have the annotated bibliography to finish, the prospectus, and my Am Lit midterm. Then I have to start working on the actual CM paper. Exactly when am I supposed to squeeze in time to research stuff for magical realism. I admit I have shitty time management skills but seriously I do not think that maintaining that class will be possible....

airline american code promotion, board fr gears language war, board fr language warcraft world, board frachise tax.

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